Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life Aint Nothin But A Party

Grace playing with her brothers toys. She is teething, so lots of drool. She is generally a very happy baby. Can you believe she is going on 7 months?
Winter Wonderland at the Children's Museum. We had so much fun getting in the Christmas Spirit, seeing Santa, and sliding down the giant slide.
Isaac and Grace in my bed
Nathanael and Grace in my bed
My boys are best friends when they aren't driving each other crazy. I found them this way watching Saturday morning cartoons.


Andrea said...

oh my gosh, Grace is so big! She's beautiful:) Those boys crack me up, sitting on the toilet listening to their grandpa play the guitar and then sitting in a laundry basket watching tv together..cute! Hope things are going well.

Carlson said...

Love the laundry basket! I love those boys. And of course grace! Miss you guys!

Miriam Lusk said...

I really can't believe how grown up Ace is. I love her. And the laundry basket looks surprisingly comfortable :)